LeoRockwell.com: Thought Policing 101

Article here. Excerpt:

'One lesson came from an emailer in California who was an economics student at a state university in the early 1990s. "This is like déjà vu," he wrote. He told me that as part of his studies he researched the economics literature on the male/female "wage gap" and arrived at basically the same conclusions that Professor Block did in his Loyola College lecture: Once one accounts for the effects of marriage and numerous other economic factors, there is little evidence that sex discrimination is a very important determinant of the "wage gap."

He presented his paper at some kind of student forum, and informs me that the campus feminists immediately began calling him the vilest of names and demanding that he apologize. Being totalitarian minded, the California campus feminists were convinced that they, and only they, held THE TRUTH about the wage gap. Therefore, any dissenters were not to be debated but embarrassed and ridiculed, which is what an "apology" would do. Any such apology would also go a long way in deterring anyone else from bringing the subject up in the future.

Now that the academic feminists are deans, vice presidents and presidents of universities, they no longer bother to demand apologies from those who question their superstitions: they make them themselves, as Loyola College did in the case of Professor Block. The apparent objective is the same as with the California feminists: to prohibit freedom of speech when it comes to their cherished superstitions, such as the notion that capitalism is inherently sexist; hence the "wage gap" and the "glass ceiling."'

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OOOOOOOOOO, I have a new link to help prove that women's cling to victimhood needs to be released.

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Wasn't the subject already addressed in a book publish by MRA Warren Ferrel? I haven't read anything about him catching flack for it but I might be wrong.

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It might be, but your talking about a university where 2/3 of the students are women. Do you honestly think the truth is what they want to reach the ears of the future preachers of victimhood?

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