NY Daily News Opinion: Gov. Paterson, why appoint a woman to Hillary's seat?

Article here. Excerpt:

'As speculation heats up over another Kennedy in the Senate, New Yorkers - and especially women - need to seriously consider what exactly is behind the nudge-that's-become-a-shove for a woman to fill Hillary Clinton's seat.
This is the kind of emotion-laced rhetoric that reduces the importance of public service to a petty, quid pro quo board game of interchangeable pieces, and sets gender debates back 50 years to a time when it was argued only a man could lead a country, a boardroom or a military division - only now the argument is reversed.

Since when are men incapable of or disqualified from advocating for women's rights? Barack Obama supporters, in fact, told us incessantly during his campaign that he and Joe Biden would be two stalwart male champions of women's issues. In particular, the giddy cheerleading on behalf of Kennedy, a well-respected national figure who has no experience in elected office, only worsens the sexism and elevation of symbolism over substance.'

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