RADAR ALERT: TV Newscast Highlights False DV Allegations

Around the country, groups are working to stop false allegations of domestic violence. Now the mainstream media are beginning to highlight the devastating impact of such claims.

Recently WCVB-TV, the ABC affiliate in Boston, Mass. ran a newscast highlighting two men whose girlfriends obtained domestic violence restraining orders. The orders had been issued without any evidence of abuse.

When it came time for the final hearing, the women didn't bother to show up and the orders expired. But the men's names were permanently entered into the state Domestic Violence Registry.

As a result, one man had his employment application denied. He commented, "I was guilty from the moment this person walked in and filed that order."

The segment also quotes a representative of the Massachusetts domestic violence coalition who notes restraining orders can be "misused," and admits, "I think it's a problem."

The 4-minute, must-see segment can be viewed here.

To RADAR's knowledge, this is the best-ever TV coverage of the problem of false allegations.


We encourage every person who reads this Alert to view the newscast and forward the URL to your media contacts, elected officials, and others. Emphasize that the nation's domestic violence system has spun out of control, and we need to reform the Violence Against Women Act.

Each year 2-3 million restraining orders are issued, half of which don't involve even an allegation of violence. RADAR has released 10 recommendations designed to curb false allegations of domestic violence: http://www.mediaradar.org/alert20081020.php.

Date of RADAR Release: December 8, 2008

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R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women
working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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This is but one example of why so many women gather over tea and crumpets and bemoan the absence of intelligent and ambitious men willing to get involved... much less attach.
Gunner Retired

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