Divorce & Child Custody Tactics for Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'But if you want to bring out the big guns, I recommend what those of us inside the divorce industry have come to term the "nuclear option". Just call up Child Protective Services and tell them that your husband has molested one of his own children. I can't wait for you to see the look on his face! It is best for you to choose a child who is either 1) impressionable enough to repeat a story that you have taught him, or 2) is young enough that she can't be expected to articulate what "really" happened in her own words. A good time to make the child molestation allegation is after daddy has helped bathe your child. "Daddy washed me ALL over" is sure to raise questions.'

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Had me going for a minute -- I saw the "conservative libertarian" part at the top and thought, "no, they can't possibly have infiltrated even the libertarians..."

Fortunately it's all a parody of typical feminist "strategies".

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I get it. Sarcasm and parody.

Funny stuff, but a little too close to the truth.

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I really thought it was true for sec, I mean it is, but well you know what I mean. :p

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Of course it's satire. Look how the site is called. Do you think anyone would really help women around here? Now I'm exaggerating but still. There's some truth in there. Anyway, speaking about real cases, we should stop divorce before it happens by respecting the family values.

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