New report shows pollution causing serious damage to males of many species
Article here. Excerpt:
'The male gender is in danger, with incalculable consequences for both humans and wildlife, startling scientific research from around the world reveals.
The research – to be detailed tomorrow in the most comprehensive report yet published – shows that a host of common chemicals is feminising males of every class of vertebrate animals, from fish to mammals, including people.
Backed by some of the world's leading scientists, who say that it "waves a red flag" for humanity and shows that evolution itself is being disrupted, the report comes out at a particularly sensitive time for ministers. On Wednesday, Britain will lead opposition to proposed new European controls on pesticides, many of which have been found to have "gender-bending" effects.
It also follows hard on the heels of new American research which shows that baby boys born to women exposed to widespread chemicals in pregnancy are born with smaller penises and feminised genitals.
Communities heavily polluted with gender-benders in Canada, Russia and Italy have given birth to twice as many girls than boys, which may offer a clue to the reason for a mysterious shift in sex ratios worldwide. Normally 106 boys are born for every 100 girls, but the ratio is slipping. It is calculated that 250,000 babies who would have been boys have been born as girls instead in the US and Japan alone.
And sperm counts are dropping precipitously. Studies in more than 20 countries have shown that they have dropped from 150 million per millilitre of sperm fluid to 60 million over 50 years. (Hamsters produce nearly three times as much, at 160 million.) Professor Nil Basu of Michigan University says that this adds up to "pretty compelling evidence for effects in humans".'
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Check out the comments on the lead article
The subject article has no comments section, but the lead article (here) does. Look at this one, will you!:
"If men went extinct I'd dance in the street. There'd be much, much less crime, meaning less harm caused to victims, and less money spent by everyone to imprison a bunch of dirtbags. I could finally walk around at night and actually feel safe. Plus no more sexist jokes and put downs. No more work place discrimination. No more sexual harassment. Please men, die out. Sooner rather than later. We already have the technology to make sperm out of womens' stem cells. You are now completely obsolete and no longer worth the cost. Please, die now. Thank you in advance.
Posted by Menshoulddienow | 07.12.08, 17:20 GMT"
I posted this in reply:
"...You are now completely obsolete and no longer worth the cost. Please, die now. Thank you in advance."
I just killed myself. I feel so much better, too! Thanks for the suggestion.
Posted by Matt | 07.12.08, 23:34 GMT
It's hard to know what else to say to such a comment. Obviously chastising the OP will have no effect. But I think it is useful for conveying at least a sense of relief-- relief from reading such things, anyway.
there are a lot of serious man haters out there.
but they should look at the bright side.
once real men are gone femworld won't need the following, top 12:
1. affirmative action laws to try to get people to hire women.
2. harassment laws so women can sue any guy in the workplace
any time for any perceived wrong, especially if he has accumulated
a nice nest egg.
3. automatic custody and outlandish child support awards
for women in divorce can be eliminated.
4. the arguments about same sex marriage will be a moot point.
5. alimony laws w/ phrases like "continue to support her in the manner
in which she has become accustomed" can be deleted.
6. the legal system can stop catering to women in arrest, sentencing, false accusations, and enforcement and once again treat all people as equal before the law.
7. the courts can stop ignoring men as DV victims.
8. women can quit whinning about not getting paid as much as men.
9. women can start doing all the tough jobs, like the ones that get men killed
because they are so dangerous.
10. when some foreign country invades women can stand on the front line and take
the bullets and do the hand to hand combat needed to keep everyone safe.
recent news stories and actual documented DV stat's show women are very aggressive.
i doubt wars will stop.
11. all forms of abortion should be able to be eliminated. what, you still can't decide?
12. women can start inventing and creating all the "things' that women love, make their
life easier and make a society thrive and move forward.
we won't care. we'll be long gone.
imho - w/o the drive men have society won't progress and womankind will quickly
die out.
Did anyone notice the sexist
Did anyone notice the sexist title of the article: "It's official: Men really are the weaker sex"
They still can't help but try and belittle men. Problems that effect men are a joke and we must laugh at them, where as if this was a report concerning females there would be outcry and calls for immediate funding to tackle the issue. The irony is the total focus on women's health could leave it too late to stop the the effects of the chemicals on men leading to human extinction. This is a real serious problem which should ecilipse global warming as the biggest disaster facing the planet.
Some women would merely take on men's role
I speculate that if men where to die out, women would have to start differentiating themselves into masculine and feminine roles just to keep society working. The "masculine" women would then be blamed for the world's ills, much as men are today.
After all, what about the reports that lesbians have a domestic violence rate greater than that of heterosexuals. I don't think the misandrists would be getting the world they envisioned.
At least we now know what's actually going on.
It explains a lot of trends. Fortunately environmental scientists are currently getting a lot of attention, and will continue to for a long time so that we can put this problem up there along with global warming and actually do something about it. If the worse comes to the worse, I'll be taking testosterone tablets with me where ever I go.
I don't agree with the title of the article, people should be aware that there are chemicals that cause masculinization of individuals too (such as diesel fumes), most air pollutants and many other chemicals just happen to cause the inappropriate feminization of men.
Fight on fellow gentlemen.
Aren't decreasing penises rather a women's problem?
If men have less testosterone in them, they have less sexual drive and they have less need in women. So, men will have more freedom and male feminists will have a hard time with finding husbands for their daughters. LMAO
In general, this is a *very good* trend. Women, actually, are getting even more defective than men and the Artificial Womb for reproduction is coming unavoidably.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.
The only part that men are
Men are viewed as the stronger sex due to physcial strength on average and in the barely conscious society we live in that physical strength is translated into the ability to take abuse without it hurting.
So, if men are viewed as the weaker sex (btw w/e people have no choice in how they are brought into existance) then I believe it should now be okay to belittle women at whim. They are the stronger sex in modern society, it's their turn to support us as we point out their every flaw.
Women need men for production unless that lesbian scientific method goes mainstream, but the reality is that two women with a biological claim to a child would make for some of the most chaotic and spiteful scenarios imaginable.
Oh btw, there was some older guy who wrote some BS article series about "guyland" or something trying to get men to grow up which in his view was to get a high paying job and marry and have a kid I suppose. But honestly money doesn't buy happiness, women make men miserable more often than not, and if you really want a kid you can rent a womb from some Indian or adopt. I think I'll just continue to expand my hobbies and enjoy life instead personally.
Oh, mein Gott!!!
I hope it isn't due to this my yesterday comment.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.
If men have less
If men have less testosterone in them, they have less sexual drive and they have less need in women
Low testosterone in men has a very serious effect on his well being. Not only will he have a low sex drive, he will suffer depression, a lack of motivation, infertility, physical ailments - lack of msucle mass and bone mass, immune system insufficiency, the list can go on and on. Testosterone is men's life blood, having less of it is bad news for men all round, there is no good in this whatsoever.
You are exaggerating much
According to the last studies, the level of testosterone in men in US has dropped by 20% in the recent 15 years and despite to this (or maybe due to this) men's longevity has increased and general health has improved.
The less man depends on sex, the less nerve cells he kills.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.
According to the last
According to the last studies, the level of testosterone in men in US has dropped by 20% in the recent 15 years and despite to this (or maybe due to this) men's longevity has increased and general health has improved.
I said low testosterone, so men's testosterone can fall but it will only become problematic when it falls below normal levels. It seems you're ignorant of the facts regarding men's health. Low testosterone is not good for men, testosterone has more functions in the male body than merely providing sex drive.
"Men with low blood testosterone levels are extraordinarily likely to get heart attacks (1), even though testosterone pills lower blood levels of the good HDL cholesterol and increase a man's chances of getting a heart attack. Men with the highest testosterone levels have the lowest blood insulin levels which prevents heart attacks (2)."
"When there is less testosterone available to do its work, the testosterone target-organ response decreases, bringing about many changes.
There is great variability in testosterone levels among healthy men so not all will experience the same changes to the same extent. But typical responses to low bioavailable testosterone levels include:
Low sex drive
Emotional, psychological and behavioral changes
Decreased muscle mass
Loss of muscle strength
Increased upper and central body fat
Osteoporosis or weak bones and back pain
Cardiovascular risk
Cardiovascular risk
It is now well accepted that women's risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) increases after menopause. Estrogen replacement therapy seems to reverse this trend.
New evidence suggests that a similar phenomenon occurs in men as their testosterone levels diminish with age. While research is not as complete as for women, the clinical findings point to an association between low-testosterone levels and an increase in cardiovascular risk factors in men.
There is lots of info online about the effects of testosterone in men, check up on it. It seems whenever something negative is reported to be happening to men you twist it into making it sound like it's a good thing and spout off about the "artifical womb". You're full of it.
Yeah, it helps guys cope
Yeah, it helps guys cope with stress as well. That's part of the reason why guys want to lay down and sleep after a long day or stressful time because this helps regenerate testosterone.
And women regenerate ocitosine? or something like that when they gab away after work which helps them relieve stress, Awesome!