The Tri-City Daily: Women’s problem – violence – is men’s problem

Letter here. Excerpt:

'Violence will stop when the collective voice begins to talk about violence against women as not a women’s problem but a men’s issue.

Jackson Katz, in his book The Macho Paradox, writes, “ I am not going to guilt-trip twenty-first-century American men by blaming them for thousands of years of sexism and patriarchal oppression. Men shouldn’t feel guilty simply for being born male. If there is a reason to feel guilty, it should be about what they do or fail to do, not about their chance placement in one gender category.”

If there is a glimmer of hope for women, it is that men are beginning to speak out about violence against women, truly recognizing it as a men’s issue. This is good news. Speaking out is a beginning for transformation and the acceptance of responsibility.

This is breaking new ground. We need leaders who will lead and model respect and accountability: violence against women is not acceptable.'

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'violence against women is not acceptable.'

Violence is never acceptable. It has nothing to do with whatever gender it's against. Violence against anybody is not acceptable.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The problem is that those who claim to be against domestic violence think violence against men is less grievous than that against women or not offensive at all. I thought domestic violence include both partner violence and violence against children.

Women comprise significantly more of the child abusers than men, so women may also be the larger perpetrators of domestic violence in general. If feminists really cared about the true victims of DV then they should pay some attention to women who are the prime abusers of children. However, women are only supposed to be portrayed as infallible victims. Protecting this illusion of women is more important than the all victims of domestic violence.

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