UK: Queen's Speech: Firms free to favour female and black job applicants
Article here. Excerpt:
'Companies will be free to discriminate in favour of women and black job candidates under proposed ‘equality’ laws.
Ministers insist that businesses will not be compelled to favour the woman or the black candidate, but the law will be changed to ensure they cannot be sued for turning down a white man.
But the Equality Bill, which brings together nine major laws and 100 other regulations, will inevitably lead to charges that women are more equal then men.
Miss Harman, whose earnest feminism has earned her the nickname Harriet Harperson, said yesterday that the economic downturn would not hold back the ‘tough’ new measures, claiming ‘fairness doesn’t cost anything’.
Other proposals in the Bill include moves to tackle the gender pay gap and powers to ban discrimination against older people in the provision of goods and services.'
There will also be measures to ensure more Government contracts, worth a total of £175billion, are awarded to firms which have good records on equality.'
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White Men Need Not Apply
Ah, equality. Everyone fought for it so passionately. Now that the discriminated have become to discriminator, these same groups are silent. So, why is it that white men are sexist/racist when every other group is the same (but are allowed to freely express it in the media, schools, and now through hiring)? Must be nice to hate someone based on the color of the skin or the genitalia they were born with and not only get away with it, but are praised for it.