"It’s time we welcome back manhood"
Essay here. Excerpt:
'I was married to a man 20 years older than me, in 1983 when feminazis were in the boil and New Man was about to be born. Women had already been cast in the roles of the suppressed, victims and martyrs and men as brutes, sexual predators, bullies or bumbling fools. A culture was being fomented that was increasingly hostile toward males who, gradually, were going underground, retreating from a bewildering world into their holdouts.
Manhood, manliness―words signifying qualities admirable in a man: strength, bravery, honor, valor, chivalry, gallantry. The kind that goes to the moon, travels in space, fights war and injustice, drives F1, puts up shelves, opens doors, gets up in the middle of the night to see what the noise is about, brushes your cheek tenderly, holds you to keep you from breaking. A dangerous world needs men; a girlfriend her boyfriend; the wife her husband; the children a father they can look up to as a role model.'
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The parts she likes, anyway
The parts of traditional manhood roles are the parts that place men at service to women and set us dying years before we should or could be dying. She wants the parts that turn her on and truck money into her bank account. She doesn't want anything that looks too much like a man taking care of himself or otherwise enjoying life.
She's not an anti-feminist. What she is is much worse: she's a "gender roles traditionalist", minus, of course, gender roles defined for women. She's a Feminism 2.0'er. Such women are worse than Gloria Steinem. Much worse. At least with Steinem, you knew what you were getting. This type of feminist is liable to make anything and everything up as she goes along and expect men to comply willingly, especially if it means jumping in front of a truck to fetch back her hankie.
It's interesting how women
It's interesting how women are encouraged to change and not serve the opposite gender, yet when we decide to revoke the services we've been showing the opposite gender in response, there's a sort of outcry among females because men aren't 'chivalrous' anymore. Maybe that has something to do with the me-attitude that is so common among women these days. They want to act like they don't need a man to support them, but at the same time they chase that dream like the hypocrites they are.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!