It's official: Hillary Clinton on deck (SoS)

Story here. S.O.S. indeed! Excerpt:

'Obama introduced Clinton first, saying of his former presidential rival, "She possesses an extraordinary intelligence and toughness, and a remarkable work ethic. ... She is an American of tremendous stature who will have my complete confidence, who knows many of the world's leaders, who will command respect in every capital, and who will clearly have the ability to advance our interests around the world."

Clinton will give up her seat as a senator from New York to join the Obama Cabinet. Her appointment was preceded by lengthy negotiations involving her husband, the former president, whose international business connections posed potential conflicts of interests.'

Of course the Senate has to confirm her first. Undoubtedly they will do so. I would be very surprised indeed if they didn't.

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And he is not even President yet!

Hillary is the Trojan Horse that has just been pulled into Obama's walled fortress.

The Hildabeast doesn't play second fiddle to anyone. She will be the beginning of the end of the Obama administration.

I believe Obama is seriously naive about the deceit and harm women are capable of. Also, his wife gives me the impression she is the one who wears the pants in that family. He is in my opinion henpecked and his downfall will be caused by women. And especially from predatory bitches like Hillary Clinton.

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Well yes we can, and yes we did change things. It's just that everything looks the same.

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I wonder if he will actually be "the president" or, will it really be his wife and Hitlery?

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"She is an American of tremendous stature "

I don't care how tall she is. She's a bitch.


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May be there is something else to be said here. I often think that when things happen the real reason might be at a deeper psychological level, not even apparent to those involved. It could be that these appointments reflect the failing of the USA as a world power. I know that's not the way the USA see it, at least consciously, but may be subconsciously that is what they know is happening.

Also it's a reasonable to think things work out opposite to the expected. You may have heard of the Project for A New American Century. I think that's what it is called and its purpose is self explanatory. Well rather than being pre eminent in word affairs the USA will sink into near irrelevance. The Neo Cons lead the first charge of this endeavour. Undoubtedly they will try the same with Obama.

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Obama has set a new landspeed record for how fast a President-elect can move from a center-left campaign platform to a center-right cabinet of Clinton era retreads.

I think all the "progressives" that voted for him have been bamboozled.

In the past forty years America has seen a transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top to such an extent that 2% of our population (the elites) now own 90% of the county's assets. That makes America the most wealth stratified nation in the world.

And now Obama will be leading the way in creating the Era of Corporate Bailouts.

This is not democracy.

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