Canada Free Press: 'The Return Of The Girly Men'
Article here. Excerpt:
'The new improved Girly Men are marching, (mincing) in lockstep in front of anyone who will watch, patting themselves on the back for having ‘evolved’. These men have swallowed whole the feminist mantra that This Is What Women Want. A new, sensitive man. A man not afraid of feelings, a man in touch with his inner self who has the, yes, the raw courage, to shed the shackles (whew) of masculinity.
Nail polish and hair spray will become the new weapons in the battle of the sexes. And millions of men are rushing to re-invent themselves in the new, socially ordained and politically acceptable way. They have become ‘empowered’. Metrosexuals are the new flavor of the day.
Girly Men have claimed the moral high ground and traditional methods of male behavior are to be considered déclassé. Feelings trump facts, intentions trump outcomes and tears trump fists. Men have evolved to a higher plane and they’re loving it.
So are our enemies.'
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Yeah right....
Women don't want girly men FEMINISTS want girly men, men who will submit to there childish ways. How pathetic, Ms Morgan has no idea what 'masculine' means, feminists continually try to make the term into a pejorative for describing men in their many attempts to change and mold men by their preference. I fail to see how masculinity 'changes' just because a few men decide to shed some tears.
manonthestreet If you look
If you look around ant street you will see men who do give a dam about how they look. May be they should but they don't.
Screw Labels!
I think a real man is one who isn't afraid to express himself, and one who doesn't give a crap about what others think. Truth is, we have no choice. As this article proves, masculinity is so labelled, that as a man, you just have to not care about what others think of you. I know that there have been many occassions in my life where I have been stereotyped, and the only way to deal with it is to not let it bother you. Just be yourself.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
that's it
i will drink no more tap water. women peeing hormones
that can't be removed have neutered too many already.
"marching in lockstep...'
sounds like a gay rights parade.
"patting themselves on the back..."
yeah, and some a little lower.
"these men have swallowed whole..."
no comment.
that last line was the kicker tho. "so are our enemies".
you betya.
that's it
i will drink no more tap water. women peeing hormones
that can't be removed have neutered too many already.
"marching in lockstep...'
sounds like a gay rights parade.
"patting themselves on the back..."
yeah, and some a little lower.
"these men have swallowed whole..."
no comment.
that last line was the kicker tho. "so are our enemies".
you betya.
these "men" may be empowered for the time being..
but woe betide these losers..when the rad-fems immediately dump them in the grinder once they have served their purpose.
Belgorod is a man of few words
About two words per month, when averaged out.
Come to my class
Come to my class when I get started on these kind of things. Then you'll get thousands. Of words. Lots from Nathanson & Young (Spreading Misandry & Legalizing Misandry). And from a few others.
Thank Christ I have tenure.
But really. Why waste words here? The guys that come here know all about these kind of "girly men" and many other assorted evils of the supposed "fairer sex."
About "Return of the Girly Men"?: Pussies. Just like I was, after 2 graduate degrees. Before I saw the light.
tenure don't necessarily help, depending
there's currently a topic on Glenn Sacks' board about a (tenured) professor who "refused, on principle, to go to sexual harassment training.." - and was fired. The professor himself wrote about it, a piece part of which alludes to feminist ideology. - check it out.
Be careful.
And don't forget Moxon.
P.S. you do have point about preaching to the choir.
The (Disappointing) New Man
Women are not gonna like the new girlie man mode of masculinity.
Girlie men will not want to fix the garbage disposal, repair a leaky toilet, or change the car oil - all traditional primitive masculine behaviors.
In the social dating/mating arena, metrosexuals will expect the woman to make the first move, pay for dates, and buy him lots of presents.
When the feminists started agitating for the transformation of masculinity, they had no idea that it would mean taking the bad along with the good.
On the plus side, girlie men will make really nice sensitive chat buddies who will want to emote for hours, go shopping a lot, and devote themselves to self-improvement.
devote themselves to self-improvement?
they're off to a bad start.