Selecting a New Secretary of State – Does Being a White Male Disqualify You Automatically?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Have we gone so far in being Politically Correct that White and Male are now practically disqualifications for serving as Secretary of State?
By the time the next Secretary is installed, it will have been 12 years and the tenures of three Secretaries of State since the last white male held the position. With each succeeding secretary, the incumbent president has attempted to "prove" something--to deliver a politico-social "message" about the United States, about U.S. foreign policy, about representative-inclusiveness. Thus we have had the "first" woman; the "first" African-American; the "first" African-American woman.
Likewise, even political partisans will admit that our two most effective Secretaries of State in the past generation have been the pale males, George Shultz and James Baker. Secretary Shultz maneuvered with Soviet interlocutors to lead seminal bilateral arms control agreements during the closing years of the Cold War. Secretary Baker through guile and inducements assembled a massive military coalition under a UN mandate to reverse Iraqi aggression in Kuwait.'

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