Article re boys competing on girls' teams

Article here. Excerpt:

'Everyone has heard the argument that females should be allowed to play on male sports teams. Whether it is in youth leagues, high school or college, females have pushed the envelope and have played on all male football and wrestling teams. They have also consistently played on predominantly male Little League and youth soccer teams.

What is rarely talked about — and usually welcomes a rash of criticism — is male athletes participating on female teams. Outside of family members and teammates, there is little to no support for the male athletes.
“It’s really a double-edged sword,” said Taconic Hills volleyball coach Alan Eggleston. “The girls that I coached liked beating the boys but it was very hard for me to justify to them why the boys could play on a girls team.”'

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It always amazes me, that women/feminists say girls and women should be able to play on male sports teams, which would mean they are the same strength and would mean women receiving forceful blows from men in any contact sports. But then make women out to be feeble victims when a woman gets a slap from her boyfriend. I'm sick of their contradictions, I don't want to hear another word about violence against women or rape. If you women can play sports against men, and serve in jobs that require physical strength like the police or military, then you are an equal and there can be no victim. You get a slap, punch, kick, etc, then deal with it bitch, just like men do.

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"I feel that the rules should be the same in order for boys to play on the girls team,” said Chatham coach Linda Colwell. “The net is much lower in the girls game so I feel that at least there should be some rules in place that state the boys cannot play in the front line or they should not be allowed to hit in front of the 10-foot mark. If a girl plays football, the field isn’t made smaller and girls that play on boys golf teams are made to hit from the boys tees.”

So, she's saying that 'equality' only happens when the boys are banned from the limelight of shooting, limited to playing behind the 10 foot line - in other words, they can support the girls, but not shoot. But then at the same time, she's complaining that girls on boys teams aren't given special advantages - they don't make the field shorter for the girls.

That says it all, for me.

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Why are they always interested in the games that men have invented?
Golf, Wrestling, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Tennis, Basketball, etc etc etc.

Where are the sports that women invented?
Or is it, that the sports women invent are not really very interesting?

Name a few female sports or events....balance beam, synchronized swimming, teather ball....what else?

oregon dad

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“The girls that I coached liked beating the boys but it was very hard for me to justify to them why the boys could play on a girls team.”'

I wonder if he means he had trouble finding reasons, or they had trouble understanding actual "equality".

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Hi, female here. I have been lurking in your group, and have finally found a current article I want to comment on.

I don't think that males and female should play on the same team after puberty sets in. It simply isn't safe and its a distraction. In the younger years, say kindergarten to 3d grade it is fine, but once the boys start outweighing the girls, it is dangerous for the girls. I don't care how skilled a girl might be, boys and girls are created equal (especially when in comes to bone density and muscle mass).

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I meant to say that boys and girls ARE NOT created equal...

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