Editoral Response: Outdated take on boys', girls' differences

Article here. Excerpt:

'For a variety of reasons, girls have long since surpassed boys as academic leaders in most schools. It is commonplace today to see eight of the top 10 grade point averages at graduation held by girls. Too many boys have concluded that they don't stand much of a chance on a day-to-day basis in school, and have chosen to be docile, disengaged, and perfectly comfortable with their slacker status. Single-sex schools are a promising solution for a pendulum that often swings too far in both directions.
I WAS glad to see the Globe endorse a legislative initiative to repeal state laws that stand in the way of establishing single-sex public schools. As the headmaster of the oldest boys' school in the country, the Roxbury Latin School (founded in 1645), I can speak from experience personally and institutionally'

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