"What's worse than the mommy wars?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In divorce, that decision is often the source of the most mean-spirited, painful fight. If you thought the mommy wars were bad, this related war - call it the spousal support slaughter - is worse.

Some men receive spousal support, of course, but in the vast majority of cases - at least 99 per cent, family lawyers say - women do. As the most contentious issue in divorce, it is where the choices that people and their former spouses made about how to manage their family are addressed - and not always fairly.
But ironically, what is a victory for women's choices and an important effort to address the feminization of poverty post-divorce is also, in many cases, a harmful disincentive for women to find identity, meaning and self-sufficiency through work.

It is both an advancement and a regression, if taken too far, for women's issues. But few in the legal community are willing to publicly discuss the politically sensitive topic.

"The mindset among the judiciary is that women need to be sheltered and helped," explains one family lawyer, who asked for anonymity. "They are afraid of appearing heartless if they don't side with women."'

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