Huffington Post: Female Infidels Catch Up... And Invade Your Home?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Don't look now, but there is someone, someone nearby, waiting to steal (or at least borrow) your spouse from right under your nose.

What is the good news? Or even just the new news? Turns out infidelity is an equal opportunity employer; women are turning to men who don't belong to them in record numbers according to a poll by Women's Health magazine in the November issue. That's right, ladies. If the stats are to be believed, your sisters don't consider that cutie with the ring-finger tan line so off-limits.

The study found that 46.3% of women admitted they'd been involved with a "taken" man. Of those, one in four said he was the boyfriend or husband of someone she knew; 40% stated it bothered them, but not enough to put on the brakes, and 27% said that commitment was his responsibility, not hers.'

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I'm surprised a feminazi publication would admit this. Of course what they won't admit is that it's always been like this. Women have always been more likely to cheat because it isn't as hard to build a new relationship for them after they've destroyed the one they had. It's very tough for a man to build a new one, and thus, he's less likely to cheat.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I was shocked when I found this article considering the Huffington Post epitomizes feminist trash.

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That indicated the higher the income of the male, the more likely the female will cheat.
They said, "if he is making $1Million per year, she is definitely cheating on him". No lie.
This was reported in california. Where, if he is making good money, "why not?". If they breakup he has to keep paying her that amount anyway!!!

oregon dad

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