NY Examiner: Of royalty, male heirs, and the almighty penis

Article here. Excerpt:

'For most of history the penis has been seen as the chief qualification to succeed to a throne, become world leader, CEO, government bigwig, and religious leader. Until very recently, the same was true of armed soldiers, the exception in history being that of the Amazons, a fierce tribe of warriors with vaginas who, it has been said, liked to hand any male enemy his genitalia in a wooden bowl.
No, hating men and their anatomy is not my problem. My problem is with society at large, which seems to think that, even if a person is an incompetent cretin, if that person has the right appendage, he deserves all the marbles in the game of life.
History is full of people with penises who totally screwed up the world.'

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She better be careful or her Penis won't buy her those new shoes for Christmas!

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I guess Dr. Freud was right after all, with his "penis envy" theories.

Frankly I don't know why this woman is complaining. She lives in NYC. Just stroll on over to your local lesbian-run porn shop and buy some assorted strap-ons.

Problem solved.

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This misandrist skank must be a lingering Hillary supporter who just can't get the hell over it.

Sounds like she is still sore down there for Hillary after her goddess got symbolically kicked in the groin area during the primaries. Ha, Ha!

Oh, by the way dirtbag the Amazons never existed. They are ancient Greek mythology which with very rare exceptions was a product of those creatures with appendages. You can count on their work outlasting your mediocre journalistic career.

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There is scant evidence that Amazons ever exited. They crop up in legends but all way as something that happened on the edge of the known world. They are more an example of the upside down world than anything else. If anything like them existed then is was very peripheral.

On the broader point I don't think that the choice should be between being ruled by female bitched or male bastards. I think we as men should make our stand that we don't want to be ruled by anybody. MaCain, Obama, Clinton and any others who you care to mention are in fact all cunts.

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One need only walk through any museum in Moscow to see how many rulers of that land were... *gasp*... women.
Do these harpies pay ANY attention to history as they write this drivel?


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"There is scant evidence that Amazons ever exited."

If they ever existed, which is certainly doubtful, they were so inferior as warriors as to almost totally be wiped from the pages of history. Oh, but please don't call it just another feminist fantasy. Some people might begin to see that everything feminists say is fantasy. :-/ I'm not laughing with the gender feminists, I'm laughing at them.

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In regards to the notion of "men screwing up the world" :

It begs the question, "Who is responsible for the good things in this world?" Some jackass (not referring to any of you guys on the board except for the trolls) might blow me off by saying "there ain't much good in the world right now!" but aside from that non-sequiter, does anyone know the answer to the question? Who invented the wheel.. a race of hairy women? And who created air conditioning and microwaves so Betty Friedan had the time and comfort to write a 300-page misandric rant?
Who developed the medicine and science to ensure women live longer and healthier lives than men??


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Well axolotl I think I know where I would place my bet. But I also agree that men do things that are terrible. Where we might disagree is that I think this includes all men of power including presidents and prime ministers.
According to Rich Zubaty these men are in fact 'manholes' that is men who think like women.

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I'm not saying he's wrong, just wondering. I have no doubt that any Western man who has risen to the top has had to be an a**hole at some point during his ascendancy. If they think like women do I guess that means they're self-centered and selfish, and have a strong sense of "in-group/out-group". Not that all women are self-centered, but perhaps those are teh characteristics Zubaty's referring to.

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Well axolotl Zubaty explains his thinking in his book 'What Men Know and Women Don't'. You can get in from Amazon. I have read it. I can't do it justice her but I would recommend it. It gives you a new way of looking at things. You don't have to accept it, just read it and think. One powerful phrase he wrote that sticks in my mind was when he asserts that all this began when the hunter was subverted into soldier. A powerful image.

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I stopped reading after the glorified castration theme. I think that in itself is proof that this writer hates men, as well as that women are capable of doing unspeakable evil to men, the likes of which men would never do to women. I mean, why even mention something like that if you don't have to? I see she must be an admirer of Lorena.

I also don't understand why she bitches about there not being as many female soldiers. Isn't that a privilege? Why don't they send her ass to war in the draft? Maybe then she wouldn't bitch and call it sexism. She'd finally see that as what it truly is; preferential treatment.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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