Women From Iraq Suicide Bombing Network Surrender

Story here. If I was a betting man, I would say these women spend six months at Guantanamo and receive counseling. Excerpt:

'BAGHDAD — Eighteen young women purportedly belonging to a suicide bombing network in northern Iraq surrendered to U.S. forces on Wednesday, a top U.S. commander said.

The number of bombings carried out by women has spiked this year even as overall violence has declined, and Hertling said Wednesday's surrender would deal a significant blow to recruitment efforts.

U.S. military figures show 31 attacks by 35 female suicide bombers so far this year, compared with eight in 2007.

Hertling said the cleric approached U.S. forces earlier this week to tell them about a group of 21 women who were part of a suicide bombing network. On Wednesday, 18 of the women surrendered and signed a form promising not to conduct attacks as part of a reconciliation program, Hertling said.

"This will significantly affect at least part of the female network cells in the northern area of operations," he told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.'

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