UK: Court upholds woman's right not to tell father about baby

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who conceived a child after a one-night stand with a colleague and hid her pregnancy from everyone has won the right to keep the birth a secret from the father.

The woman, who is now 20 and cannot be named for legal reasons, became pregnant when she was 19, but did not realise until a late stage. She told no one, shunned medical help until she went into labour, and put the girl up for adoption as soon as she was born.

In September, after an application from the local authority, a county court judge ruled that the woman's parents and the father of the child should be told. But yesterday, three appeal judges overruled him and, in a landmark judgment, agreed that the mother has "the ultimate veto" over who should be told about her child.'

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'Tis a sad day for male reproductive rights. What I really don't understand is why she cared if the father knew if she didn't want to keep the child anyway.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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If the father knew, he might want to take care of the kid. If he took care of the kid... he could ask for child support.

Follow the money.

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Right. And Heaven forbid that same injustice and extortion ever be used against a woman! However, against a man, that's fine.

I swear the world is so illogical in its favourtism.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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they're crooked.

they have abandoned all the precepts of law.
what they are practicing is not law. it's corruption.

if they ever do default back to allowing things like equality,
truth, fairness, and actual justice to come into play,

it will end the gravy train for sooo many people who
live by these abominable "rules of corruption".

that would be something to see.

too many people on the dole though.

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