UK Guardian Blog: 'Men have their uses but are rather last century'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Technology has transformed the work place, replacing the masculine qualities of muscle, system, specialism and dictation with the feminine aptitudes of dexterity, multi-tasking and negotiation.

The emphasis within human organisation and business has moved from competition to collaboration, with a new emphasis on 'others'. This is seen in support systems, restorative justice, health and safety, and a therapy culture for victims, whether of trauma or disadvantage.

The new human narrative is creating an essentially feminine paradigm.

It is possible that the resurgence of masculinity is simply a cry of protest from a gender in decline, as it faces up to the redundancy of those qualities by which it has hitherto dominated the stage.'

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This blog was written by a man. Winston Churchill must be rolling over in his grave.

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It is also nonsense. Women do not particularly have the qualities stated. Nor are men's talents just muscles, system and specialism ( and something else I did not understand).Its a total untruth that women have these touch feely qualities. They like to gossip and enjoy being involved in other people's problems but this is a sort of voyeurism. This reminds me of something I had almost forgotten. I remember thinking that I should never confide any of my insecurity or worry to my wife. Over the years I learn that all that happened is that the information would be stored up and then brought up again and stuck into me like a knife when she decided to lacerate and damage.

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well. let the women invent and sustain their own devices.

how many women have invented a computer chip? 1? 2? 3? None?

how many women have invented a cell phone? an automobile? a computer?
so let them now invent their own. and if they can or do, then make them use only those built by women to get to work, to record their work, to send email, or faxes, or call somebody.

oh yes. and while they are standing around the water bottle (that a woman has invented) or a coffee machine (that a woman has invented), they can then discuss a sport that women invented for women. Are there any?

Virtually all of the modern conveniences that modern businesses routinely use to survive and compete were developed by useless and obsolete men. those dirty bastards. no doubt a well conceived conspiracy to force women into the work force so men could stay home and eat bon bons and occassionally do the laundry and complain about how demeaning and abusive and really really difficult it is to do housework.

oregon dad

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I read an interesting comment similar to Oregon Dad's post. It went alone the lines that for virtually all time men had been excluded from the birthing process. As a result it remained dangerous and risky. It was not until men where aloud to become involved that safer methods when invented; something women were incapable of doing for themselves.

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