UK: 'Intimidating' boys put girls off science, minister says

Article here. Excerpt:

'The new Schools minister advocates a return to single-sex education to get girls more interested in subjects like science and engineering.

In her first interview since replacing Lord Adonis in the Prime Minister's recent reshuffle, Sarah McCarthy-Fry told The Independent that she was concerned about getting more girls to opt for science and engineering at school – and thought separating the sexes for lessons in co-educational schools might be the answer.

She said: "Girls do much better in science in single-sex classes. They sometimes feel intimidated in mixed- sex classes with the boys hogging the limelight and putting their hands up to answer all the questions."

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The comment about boys putting their hands up just beggars belief. This woman is a Shit of high calibre. But then again that applies to all of them.

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The female School Minister believe boys are 'hogging' all the attention. What would happen if the minister was male and made a derogatory comment about girls? If I was a parent in the UK, I would become fearful this new education czar doesn't give a shit about boys. Then again, that's the face of western education. I guess that's a good way to destroy the 'evil patriarchy' -- put boys at an educational disadvantage. If they grow up stupid, they can't beat their wives, right????????????

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