'It’s time to solve The Boy Problem in our schools'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Among college administrators it’s known as The Boy Problem.

But it’s a problem that starts in grade schools, high schools and homes. Boys lag behind girls in being prepared to apply for and be accepted to college.

While American colleges were roughly balanced between male and female students a generation ago, now most schools have more women than men. Some have many more.
Why is that a problem? Administrators think that once a school reaches that point it becomes less attractive to both male and female applicants. As one admissions director told U.S. News & World Report last year: “Even women who enroll … expect to see men on campus. It’s not the College of Mary and Mary; it’s the College of William and Mary.”
Which leads to the bigger questions: Why aren’t boys succeeding in school at the same level as girls, and what are we going to do about it?'

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calling it a boy problem. We do not call the disparity in the hard sciences a girl problem. It is not boys that are the problem, it is holding society accountable for its failings in education boys and meeting their desires and needs. Furthermore, failure to address institutionalized discrimination, gender bias and misandry will mean any efforts to help boys will fail.

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Admitting more guys in college isn't going solve the problem, just bandaid the numbers. I'm glad it has nothing to do with, no competitive testing due to touchy feely Feminism, Fewer and Fewer Male teachers, Inadequate selection of reading materials for boys in general and a few others. Notice the higher scores on ACT and SAT, the risk taking tests that are themselves getting more feminized somehow I'm sure. My 300 level test at college had math that was 10th grade stuf, and half the test was about women's history which I never took a class in and that was the general test to evaluate all student's entering 300 level courses. I wonder why Science is on the decline in the USA, the school system sucks and China's competitive testing schools are helping to boost up there citizens to dominant the USA in a decade or two.

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There are so many possible reasons why boys are being discouraged to excel in school:

First and most obvious is that K-12 has become a near-total matriarchy, with some 85% or more teachers being female. This would not be so disasterous if our Schools of Education taught about gender differences in learning styles, but that would be politically incorrect because it suggests innate differences.

So, it's possible for a boy to graduate high school having had maybe one or two male teachers.

The hostility of the school environment towards boys is also illustrated by the fact that over 70% of diagnosed ADD disorders and the obligatory Ritalin drugging happens to boys. Boys comprise the majority of the "learning disabilities" population.

For the last twenty years, curricular reform has focused on the "girl crisis" and building girls' self-esteem. The idea was to help girls "catch up" to boys. Hence, boys were largely out of the picture.

So many activities that boys need to blow off steam have been eliminated. Recess is gone at many schools, as is physical education. Anything that encourages competition is suspect.

So, that leaves the average classroom as a female-centric arena where kids succeed by being docile, obedient instruction takers.

If a boy chafes under this regime of behavioral control or worse, rebels or refuses to participate, he will be labeled a disciplinary problem and the drug wagon will be rolled out.

Schools have become hostile territory for many boys.

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As stated above, the solution is not to make it easier for boys to get in to college. That's the same as making things easier for women.

And even at that, it won't make the boys better educated, it'll just mean they'll be sitting in the college building.

if you want to solve this problem, you have to solve it from the beginning of the education system.

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You have to start with making the MOTHERS of SONS admit there is a problem and unite, as much much as it is unlikeable, Feminist Society only really tends to listen to women.

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