Girl, 10, Drafted School Hit List
Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2008-11-21 02:47
Story here. Excerpt:
'NOVEMBER 20--A 10-year-old Wisconsin girl drafted a hit list containing the names of 21 classmates and four teachers who would be targeted "when I go on my killing spree." The handwritten list was confiscated Monday afternoon by a teacher in a McKinley Middle School classroom, according a Kenosha Police Department report, a copy of which you'll find below. At the top of the one-page list the sixth grader wrote, "When I go on my killing spree the victims are..."'
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big deal
so she did this? It's kid stuff, though sick, and based on her preceeding generation's news - Columbine, etc.
She needs counseling and a suspension. I just think a boy would have gotten in a lot more trouble for the same thing.
Childrens theses throughout the years:
1968: "These are the people I think are yucky"
1978: "These are the people I'm telling on"
1988: "These are the people whose toys I'm going to steal"
1998: "These are the people I want to beat up"
2008: "These are the people I'm going to shoot"
What else is new?
yeah, to be honest, i don't
yeah, to be honest, i don't think this really does anything to dispell the myth of women being saintly and innocent.
It's more just further evidence of school and police system overreacting.
I'm pretty sure i, when i was younger made mental notes of such, and although i never committed them to paper (that i remember), it was never serious.
I highly doubt that there is any connection at all between making a list like this, and actually committing a shooting spree.
You mean like this: ttp://;jsessionid=301952CFD2689C2CA766B013EA2347F5?contentId=7892399&version=5&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1
Criminalizing kids
It probably is just strange kid stuff and maybe she needs counseling, which is probably what she will receive since she did not actually hurt anyone. I do agree that a boy who did the same thing might not be treated with such compassion.
I also read the link about the boy arrested for hugging a social worker. It only said the hug was "inappropriate" but did not explain exactly what was so inappropriate about it.
Kids shouldn't be treated like criminals over any issue unless they really go overboard. These are issues for the schools and parents.
manonthestreet I think I can
I think I can tell WakeUp that 'inappropriate' together with 'unacceptable' are just two new speak words that mean nothing except to indicate the displeasure of the speaker. A better form of words would be - 'this is a bad thing because I don't like it and that's all that matters'.
Another point about inappropriate is it give the impression that it is sort of sordid - something that can not be said in polite company but which you would find horrifying if you knew.
I read it GR - fascinating.
I think I already heard about that case or one like it. The criminalization of men, definition of a "man" being 13 or older. Ludicrous. We are a society on it's way to become a police state (and a feminist one at that).
I agree with m.o.t.s. about the fairly-like choice of words
It's a symptom of the feminized/PC/relativistic/therapized society we live in.