UK: Parents turning to private girls schools 'to protect daughters'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Parents are increasingly turning to private education for their girls as an antidote to a society dominated by "Botox and bingeing" and to protect them from the coarsening of society.
Vicky Tuck, principal of Cheltenham Ladies College, said that parents today were anxious that their daughters were growing up too fast, and worried that they were being exposed to many negative influences.
Ms Tuck said that girls often preferred a single sex education for personal reasons. "They do say that it helps not having boys around either mucking about or making them worry about their appearance; that they can compartmentalise their lives," she said.'

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LOL! Even if my wife didn't tell me stories about women at the gym *hiding* their bodies from other women in the locker room (they wrap themselves in towels and wriggle into their clothes while keeping covered up), the whole story would still be a farce. Long ago, women decided that obtaining sexual power was far less work than actually earning power through intelligence, ambition and just plain hard work. Its women who put the screws to their 'sisters' by playing one-upmanship with their tits. If these tweenage brats figure they're on the short end of the stick now, just wait until they age and their tits start to sag. I guess that will be men's fault, too.
Geez, females are so easily fucked up, aren't they?

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Did they actually say that the issue is the GIRLS are worried about their appearance, instead of just blaming the boys for rowdy and disruptive behavior?

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"Ms Tuck said that girls often preferred a single sex education for personal reasons. "They do say that it helps not having boys around either mucking about or making them worry about their appearance; that they can compartmentalise their lives," she said."

The first part of the article goes into that blah blah about the horrors of early sexualization of girls. They are just training them early for their lifelong careers of getting what they want from men. Going to a girls school will likely only make the problem worse.

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To protect daughters???!!! I have two teen nephews. Believe me, they are the ones needing protection! One is 12 and 9th and 10th grade girls invite him to parties! Why? Makes me wonder...are they predators? If I had the space and the time to write everything I have seen about them in their lives regarding girls, I know they need protection the mst from them.

High school girls wanting to hang out with nephew who is 12, figure that one out. 15 yo nephew who had a girl friend from hell that called him and acused him of things because he did not call her every hour even past bed time and on and on.

"daughters" (women) have all the power with just a phone call. Boys do not.

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What you're seeing there is fallout from the gender imbalance discussed in articles here on MANN as well as elsewhere. The cohort born starting late 1990s was the generation that really started seeing the gender imbalance take off. It had been creeping up steadily since the 1960s but began to take off in the early 80s, then boomed in the mid-90s. These days, it seems, every time I see a parent with a small child, that child is a girl 80% of the time. When I see people with >1 kid, it's almost always a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of girls to boys.

The 9th and 10th-grade girls (14 and 15 years old) probably are in classes made up largely of other females, probably ~75%. At their age they will be looking for boys anywhere they can find them if they have so few around. I doubt they would be showing such interest in your nephew if there were a more historically normal sex ratio in the classes. This isn't to try to excuse their behavior, though as minors, they can't be quite held to the same standard as we would want to an adult held to (even acknowledging that women get held to much more lenient standards overall usually than men, esp. when it comes to sexual behavior). I can say this: don't expect this kind of thing to recede any time soon. As I have written in other posts, this birth-sex skew in favor of more girls than boys being produced is only going to get worse over the next 100+ years, not better.

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It's amazing how boys are continually seen as such a problem all throughout education. In an earlier article posted on here it said that opening up boys schools to girls is seen as 'sacrificing' female talent (I fail to see how giving more opportunity to them does this). But let's look at the bright side: Leonard Sax promotes single schooling for the sake of boys, so if we use this to our advantage we may be able to help them more effectively.

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