India SC: Estranged wife entitled to her own house

Article here. Another sexist, anti-men verdict. Excerpt:

"NEW DELHI: Husbands paying monthly maintenance to cover food, clothing and other expenses of estranged wives may now have to shell out a great deal more. For, the Supreme Court has ruled that maintenance should include provision for a house akin to the husband's.

"Maintenance, as we see it, necessarily, must encompass a provision for residence," said a Bench comprising Justices Arijit Pasayat and Mukundakam Sharma, ruling in favour of Komal Amma from Kerala who struggled to find a house for herself after estrangement."

Men now have to provide houses for females. How sexist can it get?

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Are you surprise by this? Really you should not be. It is exactly the sort of thing we should all expect. It wont stop here. This happened in India. Don't think that this something remote. It will be on your doorstep sooner than you realise and indeed much worse.

I think I am out on my own in this forum. Let's put bluntly I think women are filth. There is nothing to be expected from them. The female is a cancer to the male.

I also think me are fools including many who frequent this forum. In fact they are the worst fools. They oppose feminism then in the next breath say they are patriotic Americans. What fools! America is the home, creator and spreaders of feminism. Your troops are feminist troops. Your wars are feminist wars. There is only one America and that for now and for probably always is feminist. It is you that is outsider.

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What alternatives are there? I am most likely never getting married, but what else is there but see how long it takes the matriarch reach it's end by.......

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The matriarchy will most likely out live you. So it going to be hard. If I can give you advice I would say it comes down to how you live and navigate your own life. Each man is pushed back into castle of his own existence. It's a question of living honourably. Don't compete with other man over women. This is almost instinctive and we do it all the time. Try to be successful financially but always remembering you are doing this to free yourself not enslave yourself to work and money. Don't be afraid of using commercially available women in any way that is to your taste. Remember that women will always try to inject guilt into you. Resist this and remember you are responsible to no one else other than yourself unless you choose not to be, and I would say such a choice is for a free man not possible.

Remember there is more to the world than the USA. Use your earnings to explore. Do it off the beaten track. Don't just follow the usual tourist trails.

Don't ever let woman define who you are. Stay whole and intact within yourself.

If you encounter unhappiness remember that a woman will not be the solution. Remember that men want women but don't need them. Well just a few thoughts.

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