Woman sentenced for "sexual relationship" with teen

Story here. Excerpt:

'MADISON, Neb. - A Norfolk woman who had a sexual relationship with a teenage boy and subsequently fled from the area has been sentenced to prison for child abuse.

Tammy Walnofer, 39, was sentenced by Madi­son County District Court Judge Patrick Rogers on Monday to 18 to 26 months in prison, with credit for 16 days served.
Walnofer's attorney, Jim Egley of Norfolk, described the victim as demanding attention and threatening to harm himself or others if Walnofer did not com­ply with his wishes, which included having sex.
Rogers said that in his experi­ence as a judge, it's common for defendants to lay blame on oth­ers. "Just because I have a robe on doesn't mean I have God-like power to know what exactly hap­pened here," he said.'

I wonder what choice words the judge would have if a man was convicted of the same crime, and what sentence would be imposed. The judge also said that even though both parties in the case seemed to be vulnerable at the time of the incident, the offense was extremely serious and committed by an adult.

So, vulnerability on the part of the woman is an excuse? The article doesn't mention if she would be required to register as a sex offender.

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