WINK News: What's the problem with boys?

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to the U.S. Department of Education, more girls than boys participate in student government, the drama club, the debate club and the honor society. Statistics show that of those students who write for the student newspaper and yearbook, girls outnumber boys. And on a reading level, girls are typically ahead of boys by a year and a half.
"It's kinda shocking, but in reality, the truth, I know that girls work harder than guys," says Ryan, 16.
Two-thirds of all learning disability diagnoses are for boys.
Seventy percent of all D's and F's on report cards go home in boys' backpacks - not girls.
Ninety percent of school discipline referrals are for boys.
Eighty percent of all Ritalin takers are boys.
Eighty percent of all school dropouts are boys.
Fewer than 40 percent of college students are currently male.
Girls in general are surpassing boys in school in all subjects except math and science, and even that gap has closed significantly in the past few years.'

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That's why boys are falling behind. And girls haven't really moved ahead by objective measurements.

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...demonstrates the misunderstanding of how to face this issue. The article reads "What's the Problem with Boys"? Implying boys are a problem- it is that very message that they are bludgeoned with beginning in pre school that has resulted in these disparities. Not until we address misandry, sexism, a feminized curriculum and too many female teachers who probably do not have the equal interests of boys at heart will efforts to effect change on this problem occur

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I've literally seen thousands and thousands of articles for the last 8 years that appear to blame boys for everything. They might as well blame boys for being born in higher numbers with ADHD and Autism. I have a friend who suffers from both simultaneously, a bright person but one who suffered under the school cirriculum. If girls were the ones that were suffering, blame would be directed at the cirriculum, learning environment and probably even the presence of boys in the classroom.

This article barely covers the main reasons boys struggle, it seems more like another rub-in-the-face reminder. I'm getting more tempted everyday to leave my university course and change to teaching. I have enough ideas of my own that will revolutionise the school environment.

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I obviously don't expect you to become education major, but your understanding of the problem is refreshing. The more men become aware of this situation the more we'll see guys take the initiative to solve the problem. The lack of male teachers has enabled a massive restructuring of the education system that ignores logic, reason, and competition. Instead of blaming boys people need to see the truth -- this is becoming a major civil rights issue. Personally, this is my #1 concern as a men's rights issue. Treating boys and masculinity as a dysfunction is a form of oppression. I fear things will get worse before they improve. I would not be surprised to see some form of Women's Studies implemented in the K-12 curciculum.

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I have contemplated the same Mr. Van Huizen, and I have been working hard on raising awareness of this issue in the CUNY system, and at my current school- perhaps we should connect and strategize on how to effect change from within the university.

Feel free to contact me at if you like.

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Women will be main victims who will suffer from this situation in the nearest future. All the "successes" of girls end immediately once they leave their feminist cradle - educational system - and enter into the real life. And in the real life no one is going to give them money for nothing anymore.

American men without education still will be able to earn money for themselves doing unskilled work for Chinese and Indians. American women with education, but without brains will have tough time. ))

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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I wish you were right but I fear that there are multiple billion dollar industries that are run by the government that employ these ideologues and their ilk. The DV industry is just one example. Their misandry is being rewarded and then as Angry Harry says, they vote to keep the source of their pay checks in office.

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> multiple billion dollar industries

Where in America will be the source of those multiple billions? Men will be uneducated and women don't produce any tangible output. Do you think that structures and institutions which make their profit abroad will share their money with American women out of sense of chivalry? ))

As for DV industry - it's just a tool for destroying marriage.

In general, all the Western "misandry" is just about "wife-beaters" and "dead-beat fathers". Single men are the first class citizens (unless you are watching stupid sitcoms for stupid housewives =))).

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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For really rather a long time in Europe most of the wealth was owned by a very small unproductive group of aristocrats. This lasted probably about 1000 years. So you don't need to be productive to enjoy the fruits of wealth. The aristocracy eventually got replaced partly by a capitalist class which emerged in the nineteenth century. Here again they were a small group that produced little themselves but enjoyed most of the fruit of the wealth. It was against the injustice that Marx, who quite a lot of you here abhor, was writing against.

Wealth goes with power not productivity. Strangely the feminists know this much better than we do.

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"It's kinda shocking, but in reality, the truth, I know that girls work harder than guys," says Ryan, 16.

With that kind of attitude (no doubt coming from his feminist-infested school, 99% of sitcoms out there, anti-male advertising, and favoritism towards girls in just about everything), of course boys are less likely to even try.

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