Feminist blogger apologizes to MRAs for comparison to cockroaches

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Let me start off by saying that the post MRA Infestation and Glenn Sacks Worshipers was a response to my disgust with the commentary on a post I wrote entitled, MRA Glenn Sacks Applies Pressure to Domestic Violence Shelter. I wrote the infestation post in great anger and it caused me to use language that was unacceptable.

As much as I find your hate and your positions vile, I had no right to dehumanize another human being by calling you cockroaches, and for this I apologize.
I will never agree that your movement is anything other than an attempt to maintain white male, heterosexist, abelist, racist privilege, but a reduction in our common humanity was not necessary to make that point.
Once again let me state for the record that I find your positions vile but reducing your humanity was wrong.'

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I don't know about you guys, but I'm not able to post a comment. Feminism and censorship goes together like peanut butter and jelly.

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Whew, for a minute there I thought I was caught up in some kind of poorly-written piece of existentialist fiction which, paradoxically, children are forced to read in grade 5 and thus have little or no chance of understanding, anyway.

Not a cockroach... I guess, maybe, well, maybe... maybe we're not pigs either? Can it possibly be true? Let me go check... *oink*, *oink*...

Nope, sorry, gotta work on that one, I guess.

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I thought you posted that just as a joke, but there it is, post #59 in the thread. I wonder just what is an "INFESTARION" anyway? I can't find it on Wiktionary. :)

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It's a start....

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"I will never agree that your movement is anything other than an attempt to maintain white male, heterosexist, abelist, racist privilege..."

And where is the evidence that we are racist (with MRAs from all over the world, she really can't prove this to be true), homophobic (if anything, it bothers us that gay men are stigmatized, whereas women are not), or against disabled people? (ironically enough the contrary is evident, this is disproven by our unapproval of merciless child support laws that force disabled men to keep paying even if they can't work)

And where is any evidence of this so-called privlege's existence? I rest my case. Lord knows I've never had any advantages for being a white male. If anything, being a white male is a setback in modern-day society, with all the affirmative action, stereotypes, insulting advertising, and female pandering.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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