Negative stereotyping in the media stops boys being adopted

This story on the BBC site shows proof of what we've all been saying for ages - that males (and boys) are constantly being portrayed as 'bad' in our culture. Quote:

"Negative images of boys are making people less willing to adopt them, a national adoption agency has said. The British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) said that at one of its "hard-to-place" agencies, 63% of cases were boys.
The BAAF is concerned that people are put off adopting boys by constant negative portrayals in the media. An ICM poll for the BAAF found more than half of those asked felt boys were portrayed in an overly negative light.

The poll found 53% of the people surveyed said they felt the media portrayed boys in an overly negative way. Men felt this more than women, with 55% of men agreeing, compared to 50% of women.'

Related: Adoptive parents believe boys are 'too much trouble'. Excerpt:

'As prospective parents look through the Be My Parent adoption newspaper filled with photographs of hopeful children, it soon becomes apparent to them that there are far more boys looking for a new family than girls.

Boys wait twice as long for families in some parts of the country, as agencies struggle to challenge negative attitudes among parents, according to research by the British Association of Adoption and Fostering (BAAF).'

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