Woman Who Cut Off Baby's Arms to Be Released

Who doesn't remember the woman in Plano who violently ripped the arms off her 10 month old baby and got a slap on the hand in a "rehabilitation center" (i.e. spa)? Yeah, well, as expected, she's being released. Excerpt:

'DALLAS, Texas -- A woman who killed her 10-month-old daughter by cutting off her arms with a kitchen knife is being released from a state mental hospital.

Dena Schlosser killed her baby, Maggie, in 2004 and was found not guilty by reason of insanity two years later during a second capital murder trial.

She'll be released into outpatient treatment within the next month, Collin County prosecutor Curtis Howard told The Dallas Morning News in Friday's online edition.'

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I mean all she did was brutally slaughter an infant.... she's a woman.... somehow it's not her fault.... I mean the baby wouldn't stop crying after all so killing it seems like a reasonable course of action to take right?

Never mind that should a male ever attempt to do exactly what she did in exactly the same circumstances he will likely face the death penalty and almost certainly never see freedom again.

But remember folks justice is blind.

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I give up sometimes, I can't say anything that isn't obvious. Of course your right Paragon.

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