No Charges Pending For False Rape/Kidnapping Story
Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2008-11-07 17:51
Story here. Excerpt:
'A former University at Buffalo student has recanted her story about being kidnapped and raped last December on the North Campus in Amherst, university police said Wednesday.
Detectives had been investigating the case but found no witnesses or evidence, UB Police Chief Gerald W. Shanley Jr. said.
“There was nothing to corroborate the victim’s story, and she would not do any follow-up interviews with us,” Schoenle said.
Criminal charges for making a false report will not be filed, according to Schoenle.'
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Yet Another One?
Criminal charges for making a false crime report are only a misdemeanor. There should be a separate law specifically making a false sexual assault accusation a Class A Felony just as rape is. And that is because a false rape accusation IS RAPE!