Australia: Falsely-accused MP recounts ordeal

Article here. Excerpt:

'GREENS MP Ian Cohen has spoken for the first time of the humiliation of being accused of domestic violence.
In April, Cohen was summonsed on charges of assault and assault occasioning bodily harm after his former partner, Donna Davis, alleged he attacked her on June 22, 2006. She went to police in January of this year, sparking a long investigation.

Yesterday, Mr Cohen, 57, was relieved his seven-month ordeal was over, but he said the emotional scars of being shunned by some MPs and Greens, abused by strangers in the street and branded a wife-basher would take a long time to heal.

First elected in 1995, the environmental activist said he had been unable to work on "important projects" because he was paralysed with fear, waiting for the next headline.
Mr Cohen said he planned to discuss with the Attorney-General, John Hatzistergos, the issue of charged people being identified by the media before conviction. It was grossly unfair that their names were sullied without even being found guilty.'

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I wonder if this MP voted for that misandric DV legislation?

Of course I didn't read anything about him condemning the vile system that caused him so much grief for almost a year, so I guess that means he is all for it!

So screw him and other manginas that think like him.

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