Father kept in the dark about baby's adoption

Story here. Excerpt:

'Adoptions are private for a reason -- to protect a child. But, with such secrecy, a lawyer can set up a deal between a mother and adoptive parents and move a baby into a new home very quickly. By the time a birth father catches up, it is often just too late.

For 10 months, Michael Marek's life as a new father has involved endless court dates and a few supervised visits in public places. He is fighting for a baby that is biologically his, but living with an adoptive family that does not want to give her up. Out of respect for their privacy, we will not use their names.
Birth fathers like Marek are stuck in a gray area of adoption law. A single mother can put her baby up for adoption, and if the father objects, his only hope is to enter a long and expensive court battle. The state offers men like Marek no protection.'

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