Texas Mom Throws 4-Year-Old Daughter Into Traffic

Story here. Excerpt:

'AUSTIN — A woman has been charged with child endangerment, a state jail felony, for beating her 4-year-old daughter before throwing her into the path of an oncoming vehicle, police said.
A witness at the bus stop told police he saw Gallardo lift her daughter by the arm so forcefully that he thought the girl's arm "was going to dislocate out of the socket." The witness told police that Gallardo then violently threw the girl into the street and pulled her by her hair before throwing her into a parked vehicle, according to an arrest affidavit.'

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Yup, the femnazis are right! Women are the caring jender...NOT! I bet if I debated with femnazis with proof like this, that they are a violent breed, they would stone me to death. And after that, they would be found not guilty due to being "traumatized".

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