Woman falsely reports rape to get day off from work

Story here. Excerpt:

'Rape is a traumatic crime, and when police get a call reporting sexual assault, it's taken very seriously. Police want to make sure that the person responsible for the crime is locked up and prevented from attacking anyone else, but 2% of all rape cases reported are discovered to be false accusations.

Police in Marlow say that's exactly what happened when an 18-year-old woman fabricated a report of rape. Many women who falsely report rapes are seeking attention - good or bad. However, in this case, police say the young woman who admitted to falsifying two rape reports only wanted a day off from work.'

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Fabricate a rape just to get a day off from work...... How desperate and stupid do you have to be?

Just 2% of the cases are false accusations?!! I call BS!!
Perhaps the 2% is just for that area.


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That's exactly what I thought when I saw 2%. It's more like 40%, sometimes even more. Barbara Kay can back us up on this one. Thank God for honest journalists like her.

So, the liar in this case is 18. That's good. That means she should be tried as an adult for sexual assault for lying about it. Sadly, I doubt that will happen. I swear if I was ever falsely accused of rape, I would sue for defamation of character.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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....this very story illustrates that women will commit a crime that has far more devastating and lasting REAL LIFE traumatic consequences then the act of rape it's self (False accusations ARE RAPE only worse) for such trivial reasons as they desire a day off work?

Women are now RAPING men (false accusations are at least as devastating to the victim as being raped) for a day off work!!

We really need to stop demonizing men as a society because we have women running around DESTROYING human beings for the most trivial, petty, insignificant reasons you could possibly fathom.

Seriously, at this rate it won't be long at all before men can claim that 1 in 4 men have been falsely accused of rape with the police and court records to back up the claim. We need to punish false accusers and create a category of crime that is as serious as actual rape to deal with this, and we need to stop defining actual act of rape as anything a woman can dream up.

In other words, our prisons are already full of men who pose no threat to society and used no violence at all and are not monsters and do not need to be vilified as the cause of all the worlds suffering do to current non-definitions of rape/sexual assault, so we need to get back to a real meaning for the word rape. Plus, since we have virtually no means of dealing with false accusations which are a rapidly increasing problem (just ask any of the men sitting in prison for non-violent sex acts that they thought were consensual or in fact were consensual but some statute means they got to prison despite the female's 100% willing participation), we need to create a new category to deal with these selfish sadistic individuals who would destroy another human beings life to serve their own interests.

Only punish REAL rapists, and make false accusations = the punishment REAL rapists deserve.

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Read the comments at the end of the article, particularly those from someone named Tim. He has a website about false rape accusations. Good reading.

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