Vitamin E flops in prostate cancer trial

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CBS) It's a huge disappointment in the field of cancer prevention.

The largest trial of its kind - known as "SELECT" - hoped Vitamin E and selenium would prevent prostate cancer. But CBS News has learned patients are being told to stop taking the pills - because they don't seem to work, CBS News medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook reports. Researchers will continue to monitor the patients in the trial.

"Taking selenium or Vitamin E at the doses that we used in the SELECT trial for an average of five years did not prevent prostate cancer," said Dr. Eric Klein.
Men who took selenium alone were more likely to develop diabetes. The researchers believe the increases may just be due to chance.

"The safety issues are of more minor concern and bear further follow-up," Klein said.'

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They are actually doing active research on Prostate Cancer? cool

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