Czech "cannibal women" get only 9- and 10-year sentences

Story here. Excerpt:

'A cannibal cult mother who tortured her son in a locked cellar while relatives skinned him and forced him to eat his own flesh has been jailed for nine years.

Klara Mauerova, 31 - a member of a sinister religious cult and her sister Katerina led the sickening torture of her eight-year-old son Ondrej and his ten year-old brother Jakub.
The judge also jailed Katerina, 35, for ten years for her role in the sickening abuse.

The two boys had told judges how their mother and relatives had stubbed cigarettes out on their bare skin, whipped them with belts, and tried to drown them. They were also sexually abused and forced to cut themselves with knives.'

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Wow, that's just, wow. 9years.........

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... that goes something along the lines of 'no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the ripper'

Well here's a whole cult of females who make Jack look like an amateur.

Still no female Mozart.

Of course my own theory is that females are the truly gifted gender when it comes to severe depravity. I really don't think even the sickest of male serial killers could come up with some of the horrors women think up.

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