Society hides male domestic abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men tend to suffer the same torments as women as long as they stay in abusive relationships, including shock, unexpressed anger, misplaced guilt, and agony over whether to stay or go.

Those who don’t go generally stay for the same reasons women do — fear, dependence or a desire to keep the family together for the children. Men, too, can be beaten and tortured into a state of learned helplessness.

When abused men leave, their experiences tend to be much different than those of their female counterparts. They are less likely to tell anyone the truth about the breakup and must face sexist attitudes from many sources.'

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Sometimes they stay for the same reasons women do. But many times they stay for different reasons. For example the fact that 90% of the time woman get full custody, and the man is reduced to a visitor in his own child's life. Assuming that his ex doesn't just decide to not let him see his children in the first place.

Or the fact that many impoverished men can't afford to pay child support and face the a choice of either staying with a physically abusive parter or jail time.

If the government implemented policies which are already in place in countries such as Lebanon, that; ensured that a woman loses custody of her children if she leaves her husband/boyfriend. Or implemented a policy that a woman will be repeatedly jailed, have her means for making a living taken away from her, and charged a ridiculous amount of interest on her debt, not to mention have a felony on her record which makes it harder to find employment in the first place if she doesn't pay highly regressive child support; then feminists would be screaming at the top of their lungs.

But since this is the west, and it's men being screwed by all of this laws and not women, I guess it's all good.

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