UCF men slip on heels to understand domestic violence

Story here. Is this becoming a trend? On October 10th, men in North Carolina did the very same thing. Excerpt:

'Male students at the University of Central Florida got the chance to strut around the Student Union patio in high heels Wednesday afternoon to make point about domestic violence.

The men were participating in the second annual "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes'' demonstration, part of "Strike Back! Help Break the Cycle of Violence'' hosted by UCF Victim Services in conjunction with Harbor House of Central Florida. Harbor House is an Orange County agency that provides temporary shelter, advocacy and information for individuals in an abusive relationship.'

Ed. note: Looks like it. Another such story here.

'JANESVILLE — More than 80 men marched proudly for a good cause Friday evening in downtown Janesville. They wore high heels.

While their footwear was questionable, their cause could not have been more worthy.

They marched in heels as a way of saying no to domestic violence. And they raised money for the cause in the YWCA’s second annual Walk a Mile in her Shoes.
Best makeup: Mark Terry. His mother, Jutta Terry, did his makeup and artfully painted his shoes. He wore a blonde wig and other accoutrement that he hoped added up to a casual French look.'

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It must be the silly season. And the sap(s)are running free!

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I have an idea for an DV event where women can walk a mile in HIS shoes!

1. Each woman will be paired with an abusive woman who will verbally berate and physically attack her.
2. When the Police arrive she'll be extensively quizzed for any possible reason to arrest her. (i.e. Did she make any attempt to defend herself?)
3. If she made no "mistake" in defending herself from her abuser the Police will likely arrest her any way.
4. The abuser will certainly not be arrested!

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