Domestic Violence Ads Claim Boys Grow Up to Be Abusers

Story here. Excerpt:

'A domestic violence shelter's new awareness campaign features ads on city buses that show young children alongside disturbing captions such as, "One day my husband will kill me."

The ads, which appear on and inside several Dallas buses, are designed to shock people, said Paige Flink, The Family Place's executive director.

"Children are greatly affected by family violence, even though people think it's a man and a woman fighting," Flink said in Thursday's editions of The Dallas Morning News. "Victims get blamed a lot. If you put an adult battered woman (on an ad), some people would blame her. But children are still seen as innocent."

The nonprofit group's ads have prompted a few complaints and two billboard companies refused to accept it, Flink said.'

Okay, the place running these ads is called "The Family Place." How many MEN have been turned down by this shelter?


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If your a little boy living in America, denied shelter and services by vile, gender feminist ideologues who run the domestic violence industry, a good sign to wear around your neck would be, "SOME DAY A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTER (denying men services) WILL KILL ME."

It will get worse, much, much worse, just as soon as Jobama is elected.

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they would have no part of this

oregon dad

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That website is new and still in beta; the comments take a while before they show. I noticed two posts after my first one with that link, attributed to a David. Your complaint is a rampant one on the site, many other people say the same.

The Family Place website has a section called "Our Services," and this is their Emergency Shelter Services:

"The Family Place provides emergency shelter, counseling and emergency relief services for women and children victims of domestic violence at our Safe Campus. The Safe Campus concept is simple: provide everything women and children need to stay safe and escape from their batterers at one confidential location. Services include intensive counseling, medical care, psychological evaluation, day care and after-school programs for children, and job, technical and life skills training for adults all easily and safely accessible."

Wot about men? lol.

The director mentioned in the article evidently doesn't take comments from the public, they have to go through her executive assistant Pamela Ireland. She can be reached via e-mail at, or via phone at (214) 443-7711. I think a few calls and well-researched information be sent her way.

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When will the domestic violence industry stop lying about domestic violence? The ad campaign, cited in this article, is despicable.

Dr. Martin Fiebert maintains a bibliography of scholarly studies on domestic violence that shows just how corrupt the propoganda is that's presented in this ad campaign.

"This bibliography examines 246 scholarly investigations: 187 empirical studies and 59 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 237,750."

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Well, on the positive side, the campaign is a good alert to not marry.

If a young girl is being told "some day my husband will kill me" then any intelligent young man will stay single.

The DV Industry is getting desperate to keep their legitimacy and money flowing.

They have zero data to show that they have accomplished any actual progress in reducing intimate partner violence.

Most women's shelters are run by lesbians who use the offer of refuge and safety as a way to seduce the women who seek their services.

Thank you, Joe Biden - "Father of VAWA."

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Following the lead of a F4J activist, I'm making a sign to carry in my pickup truck that reads: [No Excuse For Domestic Abuse Includes BATTERED MEN!] / [Report Your Abusive Wife Or Girlfriend] / [ &]?
Anyone else got the balls to drive around town with one in the back of their pickup truck?

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How long did you wait to snap the pic of the PD cruiser sitting there with the [No Excuse...] etc bumper sticker? That's classic man, that's classic!!!!!!!!!

We get a lot of wind sheers up here in the hills, how does the sign affect your handling?

Look for pics of mine in the not too distant future!


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