Japan: 'Virtual murder' results in arrest

I am posting this largely for the purpose of demonstrating (as if it were necessary) not only how nuts in general people these days have become but also how skewed law enforcement priorities are. This kind of thing is why I don't bother reading fiction. Reality (such as it is) is... fascinating... enough. Excerpt:

'TOKYO – A 43-year-old Japanese piano teacher's sudden divorce from her online husband in a virtual game world made her so angry that she logged on and killed his digital persona, police said Thursday.

The woman, who has been jailed on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data, used his identification and password to log onto popular interactive game "Maple Story" to carry out the virtual murder...
The woman had not plotted any revenge in the real world, the official said.'

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Men face much worse. Let her rot in jail.

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So not only do people put up a front IRL, also identify themselves this much with the virtual world. I need a computer vacation to see how bad I am with this.

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Even though I agree with you about this particular topic, think about it. If this is such a high priority that they are willing to prosecute one of the protected class members, what will they do to the rest of us?

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I feel that as we interact more and more electronically, there will be attempts to extend laws governing physical behaviors into the cyber/virtual world.

For example, you can already be arrested for "stalking" a person via e-mails. You need not actually meet the person face-to-face in order to stalk them, and you could be a thousand miles away.

The real world and the virtual world will increasingly blur.

Life on the screen is becoming dangerous.

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They are already prosecuting men for "raping" women's avatars with the man's avatar in online games. All the woman need say is she felt afraid or something dumb like that.

Now where is that schmuck with the "Justice, not Vengeance" line when men get arrested for playing video games? See men need to learn that this is WAR. Women declared war on men and they are taking no prisoners. Men are the docile schmucks still trying to appear "fair" to a gender that could care less.

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In case you haven't noticed men are already getting hosed.

Until women start jumping up and down over what is happening to men don't expect me to get too excited over something such as this. Haul her away and throw away the key for all I care. I just may create an online gamer account to attempt to lure women into violating my rights so they can get arrested.


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wow, they're giving a crap about events in one of the shitties online RPGs to exist?

if they think what that woman did was horrible, they'll need psychiatry if they ever evaluate the entire community of Maple Story.

seriously, interacting with the average Maple Story player is like sniffing gas.

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What this woman did was to log into his account and delete the characters that were contained in the account. This is no different from breaking into someones house and destroying their clothes. It's vandalism and destruction of property. The charges that were used were entirely appropriate to her crime and a character in a virtual world represent both money spent on registration and membership fees and hours of effort invested in the character.

Treating this behavior as a crime is entirely appropriate IMO

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just to correct you slightly, DrDamage, Maple Story is free of charge to play.

also, directly attacking/harassing other players happens on a regular basis in that game. the community is the single biggest criticism of that game.


if you have some free time, check the reviews of that game and you'll see the main criticisms of the community.

the main ones that pop up is Mass Defaming, false accusations and Kill Stealing.

Mass Defaming is when a group of people drop your level of fame (you can raise or lower someone's level of Fame by a few points once in a while). you need Fame to equip some higher level equipment.

False Accusations is sort of a variant of Mass Defaming except they'll instead report you for things you never did. the admins and game masters aren't that bright so it's likely they WILL punish you.

Kill Stealing is when people attack the monster you're engaging. Experience is earned as you damage the monster so if someone else attacks it, he gets some of the experience for himself.

and then there's hackers.

that's why i'm surprised the media gives a **** about that particular event because stuff like that happens all the time. the best we can do is just ignore the game and let it rot until it destroys itself.

unlike feminism, it doesn't have any grasp on any important organisations (like the government)

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