Woman wanted baby to die because he was a he

Read this. Imagine a man writing such a thing saying he wanted a boy and when the ultrasound came back that it was a girl, he said all these things? Suppose he'd get sympathy or condemnation from the public? Excerpt:

'...We had the prettiest pink outfits. Then the ultrasound said it was a boy.
I immediately withdrew. I wanted to die and I wanted the baby to die."

Now she goes on to say she 'got used to' having another boy and now she really loves him. Well, good for her! That makes it all right then, doesn't it?

I am reminded of the fact that boys are aborted disproportionately higher that girls here in the U.S. Yet the press can't run enough with the feminine infanticide-in-China ball, can they? Clue to the MSM: How about covering both problems and championing the suggestion that the parents involved get their heads on straight and just be glad if they can actually produce a healthy child. Or does that make too much sense?

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I made a comment and as far as I can tell, it got rejected. I get that crap all the time from sites even though there is no profanity or slurs in my comments.

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I know that there would never be an online article like this about a man not wanting his daughter. I just don't understand it. Do females really hate the male gender that much? I once saw a show where a man's wife was about to give birth, and he was hoping for it to be a boy, since his other two kids are girls. The guy was stigmatized like a sexist chauvinist. Apparently though, society is okay with things the other way around, to the point where the parent wants the baby to die. I agree with Matt; if you're able to produce healthy children, what should it matter what gender the baby is?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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And her hatred will fester and grow.

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I know that there would never be an online article like this about a man not wanting his daughter.

In China, many babies are thrown out because they aren't male. I don't know if they still practice this, but the opposite of this particular case does exist in the world. Be careful about generalizing too much. There's assholes all over the place.

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Why not just go through with it?

One less sick in the head drama queen for the world to deal with it. Please by all means "end it" and make life easier for every man on this planet.

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