False rape reports outrank other unfounded crimes

Article here. Excerpt:

'Who would do that? Lie about being raped?

Well, people lie about everything. Only this kind of fabrication isn't talked about. It's awful to think someone would lie about rape when real victims suffer. Or ruin the life of an innocent man with accusations.
But according to the FBI, which compiles nationwide crime statistics, forcible rapes have a higher unfounded rate than other crimes. "Unfounded," in police speak, means baseless or false, or "no crime was committed," said Joe Pollini, a retired veteran New York detective who teaches police law at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City.'

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From the same publication "A woman is raped every two minutes in America, according to the justice department statistics. Our country's rape rate (34.4 per 100,000 people) is the highest among countries that report such statistics. It's four times higher than the rate in Germany, 13 times higher than in England and 20 times higher than in Japan.

False rape reports only account for 2 percent to 3 percent of these cases in America, the justice department reports.

"It's a crime of violence with real victims, happening in large numbers," Somerville said. "

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At last they started to realize what a big financial damage women cause by their false rape reports. And it seems that authorities decided, that under current economic conditions, there are more useful things to do than wasting the time of police and money of taxpayers for reacting on every fantasy of pmsing women.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism. Article here.

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