Women's 'empowerment' laws in India used for extortion

Section 498a of the Indian Penal Code is a criminal law in which the wife and her parental family can charge any or all of the husband’s family for physical or mental cruelty. This law is unique to India, it not only discriminates based on gender (man Vs. woman), but also discriminates against women based on their relationship with the husband. Typically, the charged family members in these cases include:

• Mostly women of all ages (unmarried, married and pregnant sisters of the husband, his mother and sisters-in-law, elderly grandmothers and aunts)
• Other maternal and paternal relatives and even young children in the family.

Most failed marriages are ending up in false 498A cases so as to blackmail the husband and extort maximum out of him.

Shocking Statistics
Official Statistics               Males      Females

SUICIDE Rate (Married)    64%        36%
One SUICIDE in Every      8 Mins        13 Mins
Suicide of Married
persons per year (approx)    56000        28000
Number of MURDERS        26467        7952
One Murder in Every      19Mins        66Mins
No of 498a cases by      N/A          58,319

For more informaton please visit
Save Indian Family Foundation
Save Family Foundation

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