UK: Boys lag girls at school by five

Article here. Excerpt:

'Girls already have a well-established educational lead over boys by the time they start school, a study claims.

The study of 15,000 UK children suggests girls are two months ahead of boys in tests of verbal, non-verbal and visual skills by the age of five.
It also found girls had fewer behaviour problems than boys, and those children with better behavioural development tended to have a greater ability to learn.'

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They forgot to mention why: boys mature slower but eventually catch up. The only reason boys do worse in university is because of the lack of study base formed earlier on. Boys have different needs that clearly aren't being met in the feminised institution of modern education. Just look at asian cultures that stress competitive environments and discipline. The boys there thrive like nothing on earth and beat the girls who are suppose to be more 'neurologically developed' for the same age. Good thing this study highlights this difference, of course feminists will use it to assert that boys are less intelligent when in fact in terms of IQs boys overtake girls by the time they're 18.

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