Victory! CA Appellate Court Says Excluding Men from Domestic Violence Programs is Unconstitutional

Article here. Excerpt:

'California attorney Marc Angelucci scored a tremendous victory today as the Third District Court of Appeal in Sacramento ruled that California’s exclusion of men from domestic violence violates men’s constitutional equal protection rights.

The taxpayer lawsuit -- Woods. v. Shewry -- was initially filed in 2005 by four male victims of domestic violence.'

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You've really proven to be an integral player, or MVP in this task of reformatting an anti-male world. Please keep up the excellent work. You've made my day.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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This is just a step forward. There is of course much more to be done. Much, much more. But now we're in a stronger position to do it, including suing the programs directly if who refuse to help men. Plus work at the federal level. And I'll be requesting CA Supreme Court review of the portion of the decision regarding incarcerated dads.

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Thanks Marc!

And thank God for men like you who actually get things done rather than just complain.

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And this is one more example I point to when someone comes on here and tells us how futile it is to resist the wave of anti-male forces. I'm tired of people coming on here only to ask us, "What's the point of fighting it? We'll never win." Marc proves otherwise.

Men's Rights + Women's Rights = HUMAN Rights

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When you're as talented as Marc, nothing is impossible. Marc is actually able to prove that certain laws are unjust using his articulate command of the English language, his knowledge of the legal system, and past cases. I too thank the good Lord for men like you.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Congrats Marc! Great News! Can we use this at the local level? Push it in the media? Show it to politicians? Show it to local services? How can we chip in to do some of the work that needs to be done?

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Clicky err, cut and pastey. Its that article in another source.

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Ya gotsta give ‘em credit, even in the face of recognizing the need for intervention and assistance resources for men and the absence of such under the funding authorizations as written by California Law… they persist with the “more women” “greater injuries” rhetoric.
The lawsuit wasn’t about which gender is battered more or which gender receives greater injuries (and the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America doesn’t make that distinction). The lawsuit was about anti-male gender bias and discrimination under California Law.
We've made inroads in West Virginia (criminalizing False Accusations) and Pennsylvannia (criminalizing False Paternity), and now California.
Florida law requires some attention but this will come in time.
I tip my hat to you Sir, nicely done... very nicely done. My thanks to you and your team, and all the bit players behind the scene who joined forces over the years, who worked tirelessly for many long hours to put this case together for you to take to the bench and argue on behalf of litigants cited in the petition and men everywhere.
Gunner Retired

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Puts Mens and Fathers Rights efforts on a new footing (and Marc can explain why this is so important):
That from a 'greivance' based footing to a 'precedence set' based footing.
Gunner Retired

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California Appeals Court hears Domestic Violence Equal Protection Case

Here's a photo taken on the steps of the Appeals Court, the day of the appeals court appearance. Mr. Angelucci is in the front row, third from left.

Photo on steps of Appeals Court

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Might I impose upon you for a 'private to' email please? It is my hope that perhaps you might do me a bit of a favor.
This login (skip the space) at hot mail.
Gunner Retired

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