Obama supports female draft registration

Story here. Excerpt:

'Even as the U.S. confronts two long wars, neither Sen. John McCain nor Sen. Barack Obama believes the country should take the politically perilous step of reviving the military draft.

But the two presidential candidates disagree on a key foundation of any future draft: Mr. Obama supports a requirement for both men and women to register with the Selective Service, while Mr. McCain doesn't think women should have to register.

Also, Mr. Obama would consider officially opening combat positions to women. Mr. McCain would not.'

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However, I would stipulate, that if women are given TRUE combat roles (i.e. kicking doors down in falujah), then they do so ONLY on ALL WOMEN PATROLS.

Mixing men and women in combat units should not be allowed.
It would risk the lives of too many men unnecessarily.

Furthermore, from what I have heard from troops coming back from Iraq, women are actually NOT in combat roles there (as implied in the article) - they find themselves in areas where morters are falling, but that is not a true combat role.
oregon dad

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Too many chilvarous male soldiers would perish as a result of a females inept fighting skills.

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Anyone who would pick Joe "Mr VAWA Himself" Biden as a running mate has ZERO credibility as far as I am concerned.

Screw Obama and Biden!

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Trying to teach women how to effectively kill in combat is the dumbest experiment America has ever attempted.

Because, they do not want to kill.

But men will, and do.

Please let the girls go home.

Male mortality will decrease immediately.

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I am a staunch anti-Democrat, but I heartily support Obama on this treatment of over-privileged, over-pampered women, however, what does Mr. IVAWA, his running mate, say about this?

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Whatever Obama is up to, I cannot believe this is an indication of some underlying desire to start holding women accountable.
He made his priorities clear a long time ago. He turned his back on men and on blacks...period.

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Is it just me, or does this equal treatment of females regarding the draft actually violate VAWA? Are females the victims of 'violence' now because Obama stressed them out, by making them think of how terrible it would be to be forced to fight a war? That's violence according to VAWA. It just goes to show how ridiculously protected females are. It's to the point where when you expect the same from them, as you would a man (the definition of equality), they act like violence was committed against them.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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There is a broad spectrum of roles, even in combat, that need to be filled. Not everyone is cut out to be a Marine, not even most men. And 9 out of 10 jobs in the military are NOT combat roles. They range from truck drivers to computer network admins. Face it, most men, even the ones serving in the military, are not cut out for combat.

And not everything about combat is about muscle and brawn. For instance, women's bone structure gives them the potential to be steadier, better marksmen. I'm sure that if we allowed it, many women could prove themselves as capable snipers. And what's the most powerful weapon in an infantry platoon's arsenal? The field radio. I've seen plenty of grown men shitting bricks and forgetting what to say whether it's calling in a fire mission or a medivac. I've seen plenty of men who were just plain too stupid to figure out a grid coordinate, even with GPS, range finder, and a college education. There's a lot of other dimensions to combat than just the things that give men a natural advantage.

And so, any of the arguments being used against women serving in combat can be applied to 99% of all men. I just don't see why an overweight piece of lard who'd piss his pants if someone so much as pointed a gun at him has to register for the selective service while even the most athletic, level-headed woman does not. That's bullshit. They should both register and the military should have the option to pick the better of the two for the job that needs to get done.

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Put women on the front lines as body shields. Then the real soldiers, the men, can sneak up behind the women's falling bodies and get the job done.

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