Wife Kills Husband and Feeds Him to Children

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman jailed for life for stabbing her de facto husband 37 times, skinning him and cooking his body parts as a meal for his children has lost an appeal against the severity of her sentence.
She then decapitated him and put his head in a pot on the stove, baked flesh from his buttocks and cooked vegetables and gravy as side dishes to serve to Mr Price's children.'

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I guess she was expecting the Mary Winkler get out of jail free card.

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She had appealed against the sentence claiming the killing was not in the worst category of murder.

What on Earth could possibly be worse then what she did? Not only did she kill him in one of the most painful and brutal manors imaginable, she horribly denigrated his remains, and she attempted to force cannibalism upon his children. What on Earth is worse then that? And if she is arguing that what she did was not the worst, what the hell was she imagining to do to him that was worse that she did not do in order to attempt to save herself from the life sentence she rightfully received?

She singlehandedly proves extreme depravity is not exclusively a male trait. I would theorize that in fact it may actually occur slightly more often in females, it's just we excuse female depravity so often it is truly frightening. Glad this one lost her appeal. Hopefully it was the last appeal she will ever be granted.

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What I would like to know is how quickly a man guilty of the same horrific crime against his wife would have been handed the death penalty. This animal is lucky that she was spared being put to death. She's proven she doesn't deserve life. I also can't think of things to do to someone much worse than to kill them and cook their remains. The only thing that would make that any worse would be to brutally torture the victim for days before killing him. I'm very grateful that this murderer's being female will not get her out of jail.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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..... does not have the death penalty. The USA is actually a rare exception in that it is a developed Western Nation that still puts it's citizens to death. So death was not on the table despite the particular horrors of this woman' crimes

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Vengeance, not justice.

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I didn't actually say anywhere in my post that I support the death penalty. I was just proving a point. If a man had done the same thing, people would demand he be put to death. However, when women commit sick, inexcusable, acts like this, people will just brush it off as "she was really messed up mentally". The old Yates defense.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Vengeance, not justice

Yes "death penalty" , not letting women off the hook with tired PC sayings.

If a man would get the death penalty in this case I am all for the woman getting the injection too!

Bring the pain!!!

Why men let virtual women and PC manginas shame them into passive acceptance is beyond me.

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