CNN: Oh, yes it's ladies' night, judge rules

Story here. Excerpt:

'It's closing time for a lawsuit alleging ladies' nights at nightclubs discriminate against men.
The lawsuit was brought by attorney Roy Den Hollander, who has crusaded against feminism and recently sued a university over its women's studies program.

Hollander said ladies' nights at Manhattan nightclubs discriminate against men by offering women free or discounted admission and drinks. He tried to link the state to the discounts because it licenses the sale of alcohol at nightclubs.

He called the judge a feminist and said her dismissal of his lawsuit was consistent with the discrimination embedded in many of America's institutions.'

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I wonder if the judge would have ruled if these nightclubs were hosting "Whites Nights". Events which Caucasians were allowed to drink for free, and minorities had to pay enterence fees and for drinks.

I think we all know the answer to that.

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You won't catch me dead in a sexist establishment like the one mentioned in the article. As if all the attention and free drinks women get aren't enough.. now they have to get cheaper drinks and get in free? Maybe they should buy us drinks for a chnage then. I wish for all clubs like that to go out of business permanently.

I can't help but lol at this: "The nightclubs said the prices charged to men aren't so burdensome that they amount to denying them entry and male customers actually might benefit from ladies' nights because so many women attend."

Yeah.. as if being in the presence of a female is so beneficial. *rolls eyes*

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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