Study finds women wield power at home
Submitted by Michael on Sat, 2008-09-27 23:42
From this article:
'Around the house, women rule. And men aren't putting up a fight about it...'
'Across all decision-making realms, it tilts to the woman,'' said Rich Morin, the study's lead author. "I was surprised by the percentage of men who made none of the decisions in any of the areas.''
''Despite the fact that in our society, we have had this notion of males as heads of households, we have seen the pattern that women tend to really be the managers."
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Women Have Power
Feminists have made a lot of money (VAWA) from promoting a foolish and infantile notion of power.
They like to count the numbers of women in powerful corporate and government positions.
And then declare that women are victimized.
But they also like to ignore the millions of women who enjoy domestic power in the household.
Power is what it does for you.
Please do not lie to me about women not having power.
Spending power vs. Earning power?
Back in the 1980s Faith Popcorn reported that women make most of the spending decisions involving more money than men do. So even though men work longer and harder at more dangerous jobs to make money to support their families, women control the purse strings. I haven't heard feminists complain about the inequality there.
The 'new' study is hardly suprising.
This new study is hardly surprising. We've known for quite some time that women make 80% of purchasing decisions in a given family. How is this really any different?
If the study is true then it
If the study is true then it shows that there are to many spineless men to scared to assert themselves or to lazy too. Men need to start using their natural leadership strengths and take more control of the family. Men not doing so has lead to many of the problems in societal breakdown, especially problems with young men and boys.
That sounds nice in words,
That sounds nice in words, but I don't think it's that simple.
manonthestreet Yes I sort of
Yes I sort of agree with Micheal. There are a lot of spending choices that need to be made but in which men have little interest. So they are happy to leave them to their wives. Largely I couldn't care less about shopping so am happy never to have to think about it at all.
I read an article a few years ago in the paper.
The gist of the article was that men should give up the decision making chores of the family to the woman, the pay off as stated in the article, a happier life, and also a longer one! What B.S.! I never did buy into that crap. I guess that's why I'm single! More brainwashing so that men don't even see their home as theirs. They are being molded into accepting the position of wage earner only, that is if the woman doesn't want to go outside of the home and work. The picture that is painted of the american male today is far from what I learned what a man was when I was growing up. The social scientists that helped this transition should go down in history along with the greatest torturers of all time. The sell out of Humanity by "public servants".
David A. DeLong
That's easier said than done
Men need to start using their natural leadership strengths and take more control of the family.
Such a man would easily be accused of being overbearing, controlling and of committing "emotional" (to say the least) abuse. A woman doing this is just "raising her family" or "being a strong woman." The wife would then sue the husband for divorce on those grounds (not that women don't just concoct any reason they fancy) and just have him fork over the money to her. Then he'd have even less influence over his children.
Shopping Zombies
I also really hate shopping. It is the most mindless activity you can engage in.
What is more stupid than seeking something you don't even need?
When my daughters coerce me into the mall, what I like most is to look really closely into the eyes of the women who are shopping.
It is truly frightening to see how happy and blank they are. Like a George Romero zombie flick.
I have seen cows in a pasture more intelligent than women at a mall.
gender power
The article is absolutely right.In my 70+ years I have seen only one household that was ruled rigidly by a man and that was in eire,men in my day used to hand their wife the sealed pay envelope which then of course held money.The wife made all the decisions in the furnishings and was deemed to be an expert in colour arrangements as well.Houses,estate agents sell to women,not to men,men are related to only when the money is in question.Women decide how we eat,sleep,holiday,everything important.Men were deemed to have a life in their work,now women want 100%
of that too and are rapidly edging men out of employment.
When firms stopped giving money as wages and started
putting it into bank accounts,even though the little woman didn't work she was still joint holder of the account.Compare this with todays successful women,I don't see them allowing their househusband the same rights.
Men are bone idle mentally.They will break all records doing something to oust their fellow men but when it comes to competing with females they just collapse.A change of mental agility is called for but I don't think it will ever happen,that is why males are nearly all pussy whipped
and nobody takes them seriously anymore.
manonthestreet I liked
I liked Saracen365's characterization. My comment earlier about not liking shopping was only part of the story. It's true that marriage can reduce a man to being a child again. He does not even get to choose the food he eats. So he is like a baby in a high chair being fed at the control of others.
I would like to ask Saracen something. He is 70+. At what point did he emerge into the state of understanding that he has now? Did he first go through all the usual phases and only discover how wrong he had been when it was perhaps too late to do much about it, his youth and life being already mostly wasted ?
Slow Learners
Wow. And it only took society hundreds of years to finally acknowledge what honest men have been telling them all along. Women aren't victims, they are victimizers.
You gotta love western society!