The Double Standards of Divorce

From this article:

'When a man asks for divorce, we blame him for not valuing a life long commitment. If a woman asks for divorce, in seven out of ten cases they do, we assume that the man must have been responsible for forcing her into the situation.'

'The social prejudice is definitely against the men. It is just not restricted to society but is also present in our judicial system. The divorce laws are totally biased towards the women. In a majority of cases she gets the automatic custody of the children, gets a lion’s share of the assets and gets paid alimony most of her life.'

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What interests me the most is why our culture actually promotes divorce.

If we as a society believed marriage was worth preserving, then we would invent some ways to preserve it, right?

Like the Greek Orthodox Church .... you cannot be divorced until you as a couple have completed a full year of counseling.

My theory is that divorce is good for the retail economy. When you break a household into two homes, a lot of crap has to be bought again.

At the very least, you need two more TV's and a couple more blow dryers.

We do not live in a "pro-family" culture.

We are being lied to.

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You're absolutely right.

Two separate people spend more than one. There is an even bigger profit margin in the single female though. We all know that during marriage women tend to "hide" purchases from the husband who usually doesn't like spending tons of money shopping for things that are not needed. After marriage this is no longer necessary and the hiding of goods or wise spending that is usually the domain of the husband is no longer enforced.

The woman is now an impulse shopper uninhibited which plays very nicely into our debt driven economy.

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Others wont see this but for me divorce in the solution and marriage is the problem. I did seek a divorce after nearly thirty years. Marriage was for me just a deep pit I had fallen into and which took me an enormous amount of time to climb out of. Of course divorce is not really the solution as the really solution is never to marry at all.

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Only get married to a woman if slavery is your thing.

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Women's impulses are going to change soon.

They may soon discover that they impulsively want food. Or shelter.

That trip to the mall is going to be like a dream they had a long time ago.

If you build an economy to serve women's consumer desires --- you get what we have today.

A complete disaster.

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Yes you could well be right Roy. Danger may well have them seeking protection. But let us not get all soppy again and welcome them with open arms. It should not be a case of kiss and make up. I want retribution!

There is another possibility. Women could just seek to protect themselves by taking even more from men. They could herd us in to camps where we would become forced workers. Don't think this is far fetched. I for one smell this in the air. We will see.

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If women were to become openly aggressive against men, they would have to become competent in the tactics of aggression.

Never gonna happen.

They are girls!

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Could be Roy. But there is also the possibility of men being defenceless in the face of women's demands. Remember people went passively to the concentration camps. If men where capable of being aggressive against women then why have they not done it already?As a final backstop there is always the possibility that women will find enough male allies to enslave the others. Some might say that has indeed been the patten through out history

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One thing I have noticed is that a divorcing woman has a lot better social support network than does the typical man.

So, the woman's friends all rally around her with love and support and lots of justifying sympathy,while soon-to-be-divorced guy becomes isolated, exiled from his kids, probably stigmatized at his church, at work, etc.

It is basically a "shame-and-blame" tactic to make the man feel guilty -- much like the domestic violence counseling racket.

Married men tend to put everything into their household and family, so when a divorce happens, it is like the very
gravity in his universe just implodes.

In a lot of failing marriages, the wife will deliberately seek to separate her husband from his buddies.

I still recall that when I just started dating my ex-wife, one of the first tactics she used was to inform me that my buddies "made her uncomfortable." (And these were not thugs, just ordinary college guys.)

Now that I understand her sophisticated passive-aggressive nature, I can see clearly that it was a power-and-control strategy to isolate me.

I was too young and naive to analyze what was going on. But I'm older and wiser now.

I would never ever get married a second time.

And, if you choose to be in a relationship with a woman, fine-tune your radar for those subtle control games she will try to play you with.

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They may soon discover that they impulsively want food. Or shelter.

They won't have to worry about that, since they can go back to the courts and whine that they aren't living the life they grew "accustomed to." This excuse will allow the courts to steal even more money from the ex-husband.

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